Tuesday, October 7, 2008

He had it coming, he had it coming....and you would have done the same....

You know when you have that feeling. You know the one. The gut wrenching, oh dear heavens how could it be, I feel so stinkin' sick feeling.

No, no babies yet. I am talking about the blog procrastination feeling. And I have it in a BAAAADDDD way.

We've been busy, don't get me wrong. But there is simply no excuse to leave my one poor follower of my blog high and dry. 'Most apologetic stare' here.

I feel like a blog virgin once again. What to say, what to mention, what's TMI, what's so and so going to think of me if I say that?

So here I am, at the ledge of blog journalist and blog junkie once again trying to decide, how much is too much and how little is too little?

How about I stop worrying about it and get on with a post? Why yes, that does have a ring of truth to it. Come on Dover, move your bloomin' a...

I feel like everything should have a theme song to it. Been watching a few musicals lately. Juan's been getting some extra sleep thanks to it too. Who can complain with benefits like that? I get my music and Juan gets sleep. He's kind enough to lay right there beside my and let me snuggle up to him while I watch the movie and he sleeps. What a catch! Early on, I would try to convince him watching the musicals was mandatory. I would laugh and then pause the movie b/c he wasn't laughing. What's this, you are sleeping? No, wake up, I want you to see this funny part. I would rewind and play the part again. He would say 'ha ha' and go back to sleep. Talk about piping mad. I would rag on him, nag him, and terrorize him to get him to wake back up and watch it again, because it's just so funny. He wasn't impressed. Kinda took the fun out of it, ya know? So I've learned to laugh on my own (it's really fun) and to be happy snuggled up against my sleeping catch of a husband, watching my musicals/broadway movies.

Here in Texas, things are a little crazy when it comes to football. We live, eat, and breathe all according to our football season schedules. Homecoming games in the high schools have a whirlwind tradition of "mums and garters". The Mum is a flower up top with streaming ribbons and attached trinkets flowing down the length of the girl. Traditionally, the mum is so heavy, you have to put yourself in an awkward position when taking pictures with your date, so you can hold the mum up with one hand, to keep it from ripping your dress right off you. These things are so heavy, after the pictures, you take it off and "coat" check it at the door, before going into the dance floor area. The girls make "garters" for their homecoming dates. I know...what's this? A boy wearing a garter? Supposedly, goes back to the tradition of taking off a girl's garter at prom and then the guy places it around their bicep for the remainder of prom. So the guys have these garters at homecoming that are usually heavier and crazier than the girls' mums, just in a shortened version. The garters get "coat" checked at the door too.

Why oh why did I just explain that to you? Well, I got to direct the making of a garter this past weekend and it was SOOOO fun. My friend and coworker's sister has homecoming the 18th of October and so we made the garter at my apartment. I will post pics later. I must say I am rather proud of my clothing clad little bears. One is a football player and the other is a drill team "rangerette". You'll see why I am so proud when you see them.

So no news is good news? No house just yet. Not that we've stopped looking or anything. We just haven't found "the one". Yes, I am a hopeless romantic. I truly believe we will find "the one" that suits our needs perfectly. So until we find it, we keep looking. With the mortgage scare going full force...we will probably find ourselves plopped down in the middle of a great deal too good to believe...at least I sure hope we will.

No babies on the horizon. "Why do we keep waiting?" "What's the deal?" "Why no babies yet?", these are the questions we keep hearing. I finally told one older lady..."Well, we are having so much fun practicing, we want to get it perfect before we try for kids". Talk about dead pan silence afterwards. Seriously? Seriously, stay out of people's kid making business. This is not to say I mind friends/family asking, cause that's a whole different scenario, I know these people and it's okay to talk about the intricate details of our lives, but a stranger you're meeting for the first time who hears you've been married for a year and decides to ask "Why no babies yet?", LITTLE BIT DIFFERENT.

Well, now that's off the chest...let's talk about busy! I just got called to be acheivement days leader for the girls 8-11. It's soooo exciting! I really think the girls I have will be great. They are all so smart and so talented. They each bring a very special talent to the group and need someone who can keep them busy. That's where I come in....I know I can keep these girls so busy they don't have time to think! I am sure they will teach me alot too! AND....I still get to teach my sunbeams for the time being. YAY! I love my little sunbeams.

Not too much else I have time for now....but my lone blog follower, I sure hope this satiates the thirst!