Thursday, May 3, 2007

What to do now?

So after all the drama of planning and having a wedding...our lives are pretty mundane. Ordinary, however, is quite exciting for now. It's fun getting a routine and figuring out the little nuances about your spouse.

Kourtney is trying to cook dinner at least 5 nights out of the week. She and Juan have a "cookin' calendar" and they plan what's for dinner a week in advance. They go to the grocery store with their Wal-Mart gift cards (courtesy of wonderful frineds and family and their generous wedding gift cards!!) and wisely choose which pasta, corn, pineapple, carrots, fruit....well you get the picture...will benefit not only their bodies, but their pocketbook also.

Juan is playing basketball at not only the College Station Ward on Tuesdays, but also the Bryan Ward on Thursdays. He refuses to let a little thing like moving get in the way of playing with the Bryan peeps too.

Kourtney packs lunch for Juan just about everyday....she finally got smart and just started making ALLOT of food for dinner so there are enough leftovers to send on their merry way to Juan's stomach the following day. MUCH EASIER THIS WAY!! You might call it her first "lesson" as a married (whoa, that is so weird in print!) woman!

Juan calls Kourtney "wifey" and Kourtney has adapted pretty well....I mean seriously, so many worse things he could have chosen like "sugar lips" or "sweetie" or "honeeeeey"...what a drag those would have been, huh?

I guess now we need to take pictures of us doing regular cooking or scrapbooking or playing basketball...the REAL life stuff. We may even look into trying crazier things so that our pictures will look fabulously ridiculous and people can make comments like, "Oh, I am sure they will calm down and embrace reality soon."

Such is life for now. More to come soon!