Kourtney stumbles over the words, "Sorry, did you actually just say 'a bucket of chicken wings please'? "
Greasy haired man looks up, "Well I wasn't der talkin' to yous ack-shullee"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Have a nice day.", patiently she waits for him to leave her office with a rather forced and genuinely fake smile.
"So when's yous bringin' my uh chickin wings to me?" he grunts.
"Sir, this is an insurance agency, we don't serve chicken or any other type of food. If you'd like an insurance policy, we can help you." as she thinks this is what I get for staying late to finish up a few things after working hours.
"Nah, that der lady I spokt to telled me I be gittin' my chickin wings her'(yes, that's her', as in here)." comes the rather sassy, unclassy reply.
"No sir, not HERE (just in case he may be taking notes on pronunciation), we don't have chicken wings." after a moment of sighing inwardly.
He tips his head back in a roar, "When you be gettin' chickin wings?"
"Never, we have a worker who is allergic to chicken." A little white lie never hurt too many, right?
"Dis 'bout the dumbest All-skate I never did seen." Yes, he actually said THOSE words, tragic.
"That may explain your problem sir. This is Allstate insurance, not All-skate. I assume you may need the skate park down the road?" the only thing running through my head is the Wolf Pen Ice skating rink, but who really knows at this point?
"A'ight, I gotchou, I be back if I can't seen it." he replies as he (FINALLY) walks out the door.
Um, no, I am NOT waiting around. I am gettin' the heck outta her'. Dis her' office, dat is.