"I want, I want, I want...." I've tried taming the beast, but alas, I am human. I want material things. And not trivial, unimportant things. Nooooo, I have to want things like a new dining table, a new car, designer decorated rooms, 'complete' sets of dinnerware and flatware and serving dishes. Why is my natural (wo)man getting to me so exquisitely?
On a lighter note, I feel depressed. Ha, see, now my trivial wants don't seem so trifling, do they?
I'd make a list of things I'm grateful for, but I don't wanna. Nope, today is an air-out-the-dirty-laundry, make-myself-feel-better-by-getting-it-all-off-my-chest day. Am I even allowed to put this into my journal? Yeah, that's right, I'm lazy and use my unattended blog as a journal. Shut your mouth.
Okay, I don't have any right to feel depressed. I don't have any right to feel unblessed, cause I'm not. I don't want to bloom where I'm planted today. I don't want to pretend everything is perfect and lovely. I'm not going to fake it til I make it today. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never.
Instead, I'm going to be onery, uptight, and pitiful, woe is me. WOE IS ME!
Dripping with sarcasm today, my dear? No, never. Not me. I'm done.
I'm so happy and lovely and great!