I have no idea how people know how many posts they have made, but Eash inspired me, for my posterity's sake. That and I think I got tagged a few times and never even made an effort :). Classic. Here goes Kourtney's Confessional:
1) I fall asleep in the shower while shaving my legs. All the time. And I have only cut myself once.
2)I think I have an OCD, but I play it off pretty well in society. Just tell people you have an OCD and wait to hear, "Oh, okay, I get it". Wait, am I really that bad? Really? Does saying it make people "understand" me? They have no idea.
3)I want a baby. And I mean now. But I think it's mostly because I feel like I want a nursery in the new house. That's not really a good reason to have a baby, is it? Plus, we are way unprepared for a baby. There's just no way. Not now, not soon even. Maybe in a year we can try, right? (Can you see the inner struggle here?)
4)Juan makes me laugh. And I mean, hysterically laugh. Just the other night we were laying in bed, whispering "sweet nothings"....ha ha, that's not my life. We were talking about work and how busy we were and he said something a funny way and we laughed about it for 15 minutes. My abs are so sore!
5)I am a sucker for competition. I don't try to let people know it motivates me.
6)I make unabashed fun of how Juan sometimes says sister (sees-ter)and we are comfortable enough with each other to laugh about it.
7)Juan likes it when I iron, cook, clean, workout, anything that makes me sweat. He says it's "hot".
8)Juan and I had our first "date" at his company picnic in the summer of 2001. He helped me pick out my swimsuit for the occasion.
9)One of our favorite movies to watch together is "Serendipity" with John Cusak and Kate Beckensale. Terribly cheesy, but it was our first kiss movie.
10)I have an unhealthy addiction to Cheerios with a teaspoon of brown sugar sprinkled on top.
11)I work for Allstate Insurance. Some people think it's an easy job, but it's challenging. I am writing a book about encounters with some less than appetizing customers. Completion date scheduled for when I stop working and have the time to finish a book.
12)I am a old movie fan. Especially musicals. I LOVE musicals.
13) I DO NOT like High School Musical. And I tried. Hard.
14) I have a dog named Daisy I treat more like a best friend than canine. And I swear she understands what I am talking about most the time.
15)I read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse in 3 days. That's with working 9-6pm and preparing a primary lesson. I HEART Edward Cullen and I don't care who knows it. I am so NOT above a good romance novel. AND one without a few pages you have to tear out is a rare find, let alone three with another on the way!
16)Juan thinks this is a waste of time.
17) I agree, but again, I am inspired and OCD, I HAVE to do it!
18)My first car was a Mitsubishi Eclipse. I even paid my parents completely back for it. I thought I was so cool because it was a manual transmission and I could beat 75% of people revving their engines next to me off the crosswalk line. "Hot" chick, huh?
19)Juan started dating me because he thought I was ambitious, beautiful, organized and fun. Little did he know I was vaguely aware, wearing alot of makeup and a push up bra, OCD and hormonal. Really.
20)I can roll my tongue, twirl my tongue, create a wave with my tongue (sometimes) and tie a cherry stem with my tongue. AND I think it's all a lie. I wouldn't say I kiss better than the average princess.
21)Juan still gives me butterflies in my stomach. Especially when he surprises me.
22)I could eat steak everyday and not complain once. IF I have A1 every time. Yeah, it's that important.
23)If I had all the money in the world, I would be a mean, horrible miser. I am so glad God knows I can't handle it.
24)When I smell strong perfume, it makes me sick. Especially anything with satsuma in it.
25)I don't want to "talk" about it when I am mad. I want to vent and fume and plot out evil little plans of revenge for about a day. Then I am ready to talk.
26)I HATE it when Jerry (my boss) stands behind me and jingles his change in his pocket. And he knows, because I tell him every time he does it. I can handle the change jingling better than the standing behind me, but put them both together and I lose my cool.
27)My favorite color is red. Not an annoying bright red, but burgundy. Maybe it's better described as a blood red, after it's been oxidized for a few minutes, but not dry yet. Gross.
28)I am developing my Mom's "fear of talking about blood" disease. We had a doctor in the office talking about a surgery and I started to feel dizzy. I thought, "When's the last time I ate?", then, "Am I smelling something that's making me sick?". She stopped talking about the surgery for a few minutes and the feeling went away. Then when she brought up another procedure the surge of faintness returned. Hmmm, that's never happened before, I thought. Holy Hannah, I am getting dizzy typing this. Moving on...
29)If I could name other people's kids, I would. And generally speaking I would name them things like Micheal, Jon, Luke, Peter, Jacob, Jason, Thomas, Brian, Jane, Catherine, Deborah, Katie, you know anything but Apple, Coco, or anything related to food.
30)I love to scrapbook, but I am so OCD about it, I hardly ever do it anymore. What, it makes a mess in my apartment.
31)I don't care much for my nose. My mom keeps saying it is so "Roman-esque". Yeah, yeah, that makes me feel so much better.
32)I LOVE Greek mythology. Always have. I want so badly to take a trip to Greece.
33)I dream in color and nothing is fuzzy or hazy.
34)Juan dreams in black and white and everything has a haze across it.
35)I can talk in my sleep loud enough to wake me up. But then again, I don't sleep so well.
36)Once I had such a big crush on Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block that I demanded a "Joey" Ken doll. I then made Jesse get one for his birthday so I could have two to play with. SO sorry Jess!
37)I collect Willow Tree angels and I stole the idea from my Mom. I will only put a few out at a time though, because I don't want people to think I collect them! LOL
38)My best friends in no particular order are Juan, Mom, Jackie, Lindy (Lin-lee), Laura, Ashley, Hillary, Jake and Sarah. We all connect in a very unique way. In other words, they are about the only people who can put up with me.
39)Never feed me pickled okra. Never.
40)I can make chocolate chip cookies like no one's business.
41)When I grow up, I want to be a wedding/event planner.
42)There are days when yelling and throwing a little tantrum make me feel pretty dang good.
43)When I watch Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, Mulan, or any Princess movie, I dance along if I am watching alone. Just like a ballerina. And yes, even to this day. Luckily, I don't do much watching alone.
44)I like how spinach, green beans, peas, carrots, asparagus and squash taste before I cook them, yep I am a raw girl.
45)If I could outsource me, I would be a millionaire. We all would. I just work that hard. :)
46)When I iron, I get mad because I'm hot. I know, weird.
47)I am spoiled. In fact, I am spoiled rotten and my darling husband is sweet enough not to remind me.
48)I can usually get more by staying quiet. But for some reason my motor mouth can't keep itself shut. I talk my way into tickets, going to concerts I don't want to go to, party favors and general hysteria constantly.
49)I really LOVE teaching my Sunbeams in Primary. I love object lessons and prepare one for each Sunday. I am pretty sure the kids appreciate it, right? I am sure 3 year olds know just how long it takes to cut out 15 perfect little fish. But they are so cute and so fun, it's worth every second.
50)If I was smart, I mean a genius, I would try to figure out things like were the dinosaurs here after the earth was formed or were the bones just in the matter God used to make the earth? Also, how long does a star twinkle and are we really seeing stars that no longer exist?
51)I let stupid things people do bother me at an unhealthy level.
52)I like to think I have everything under control. It makes me feel good.
53)When I was little, I would kiss frogs and store them in my play barn. My mom was not too thrilled about either.
54)I would tape Jackie (my sister) to the floor when she was a baby. I would also put her into the bookshelf, cover the space with a hanging blanket and tell her she couldn't move while I would read a book in the shelf below her. Her patience has always amazed me.
55)I am so opinionated, it hurts.
56)I have blue eyes and a little auburn in my "real" hair color. Thanks Grandpa Hansen! It's beautiful.
57)I have freckles and I really did try to get rid of them by rubbing lime juice on myself every night before I went to bed. That only lasted for a while. We ran out of lime juice and Mom refused to buy more. She switched to real limes, much bigger hassle, so I gave up. I don't know if she even knows I tried to get rid of them.
58)For a talent show once, I didn't want to do a step in my Mom's choreography and was being really obnoxious and disrespectful and she spanked me in front of my friends. That took a while to get over. I was about 11.
59)I got my Mom's blood a-pumping growing up. I can still remember running away from her wooden spoon (only happened once), her grabbing my hair and pulling me to watch her erase dollars from my "dollar tracker", and fighting tooth and nail because I didn't want to do what I was supposed to. And I love her more because we went through those tough times together. I think I may be the only kid who ever got my mom to cuss. Quite the accomplishment, huh?
60)I fight dirty. And I always hurt myself doing it.
61)I used to burn ants with a magnifying glass when I was little.
62)I can talk to my friends for hours. I can sit in silence with my friends for hours too and not feel weird at all.
63)I love blog stalking.
64)I keep dirty pots and pans in the dishwasher if company is coming over and I know I won't have a chance to clean up after dinner. I wash and dry them the second they are out the door.
65)I love playing tag with Daisy. I really think she gets it.
66)I could watch HGTV and TLC TV shows indefinitely.
67)I can generally reorganize a person's entire living room setup within 15 seconds of sitting on their couch. Visually, anyway. Not that there is anything wrong with any one's set up, it's just something I do, even to my own living room.
68)I wake up 3-4 times a night. Twice for a Daisy potty break and once or twice for no reason what-so-ever.
69)I DESPISE scary movies.
70)I am a Adam Sandler fan. And I am not sure why. Some of his movies are not the best, morally speaking.
71)I make up little songs and diddys to remember things. Especially when I was in college.
72)Juan wants to own an old pickup truck he can "trick" out one day.
73)I promised Juan a huge flat-screen TV if I could just get this house I wanted. And he loves me enough to let me, even with his reservations.
74)Talking about myself is funner than I thought it would be. Who am I kidding, I love to talk. About anyone, anything, myself included.
75)Juan loves live concerts.
76)Juan is a Metallica fan. And I never suspected until he bought concert tickets one day.
77) My favorite band is Nickelback.
78) Juan's favorite band is Linkin Park.
79) We both love classical music and that was very surprising to me.
80) Juan would like to take piano lessons.
81) I would have gladly let him have mine.
82)I drink Dr Pepper and try to hide it from my Mom. 5 days strong, Mom. SO sorry you had to find out here.
83)Juan sneezes so loud it never fails to scare me. It's pretty funny. He sneezes, I let out a whelp, he sneezes 4 more times before he's done and then usually laughs at me while he rubs his nose obnoxiously loud.
84)If there were no rules against it, rules of physicality, that is, I would want to be a dolphin, just for a day.
85)I always wanted to be a marine biologist growing up and then I realized, swimming is not my favorite.
86)Then I wanted to be a vet and I realized dogs and cats can be mean when they are sick. Not to mention, they don't make much money after all that schooling.
87)I will have to come up with something else I want to be when I grow up.
88)I make lists. Compulsively.
89) At any given moment, I have band-aids, lotion, make up, double-sided tape, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, sewing kit, rubber bands, paper clips, my card, tide to go... well you get the idea...in my purse. It's huge. I think it weighs about 15 pounds. Seriously.
90)I worry. And I do things like get safe deposit boxes at banks for all our "valuable" documentation with copies in a safe place at home because I feel it will better prepare my survivors when I die.
91) I am over insured and still thinking about my next insurance plan to purchase.
92)I like looking through magazines, especially Potterybarn and Williams Sonoma. I will even take my magazines with me when I am going over to a friend's house to look at.
93)I can whistle really well. Uncannily well.
94)I think out loud too often.
95)I should have kept some of these things to myself, but what can I say, motor mouth?
96)I usually choose the "safe" option, until I make it to the front of the line and then I change my mind in a split second and end up with a chilli-dog I really didn't want.
97)I spend cash like a rapper in a Bentley dealership. Checkbooks and debit cards make me infinitely more responsible.
98)I go around to apartment complexes and collect Bed Bath and Beyond coupons from the mail trashcan. You never know when you might need twenty or so of those bad boys.
99)If there is a solid wood table in a dumpster, I will jump in without a second thought to retrieve it and it's four legs. Yes, even with my OCD looming large.
100) I don't know how to stop when I get started doing something. I make time for it, even as it encroaches upon things like dinner time or appointments to be kept. Tsk! Tsk! As I go to bed after two hours of my poor husband asking when I will be coming to bed.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
It's that time again...
Ready? I will not terrorize, melt into self loathing sarcasm or berate myself in general for not blogging recently. We simply MUST go on ;).
We have come so far. Applications have been completed, contracts officially accepted and are one week away from ordering an inspection for our new home! July 28th sounds so far away, but it's really just a matter of 7 weeks. So much time, so little to do. Stop, reverse that.
We have big plans and I do believe I will enlist your help.
Do we go with Flagstone or more traditional pavers (which we will be able to do ourselves)?
The Flagstone look

The Paver look
We are just so excited. All the remodeling should be complete by Monday! YAY! That means one step closer to making this house a home.
Here are some of the things we have been thinking about looking into:

Swedish wooden reinforced shelving from Williams Sonoma for our storage space off the kitchen...good news, we probably won't have to get the wine rack!

The Palladion Collection from Restoration Hardware...great media center, yes?

The Hudson Collection from Potterybarn...I know, they look almost the same...but I just can't decide...which would you choose? (They are the same price.)
Decisions, decisions....too bad we can't really buy any of this until we save up a little first.
But remember, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass...funny how that applies even to things like saving up to make a fun purchase!
Gotta run, but keep me posted on all your opinions...I know a few people who are very good at that ;) Love you all!
We have come so far. Applications have been completed, contracts officially accepted and are one week away from ordering an inspection for our new home! July 28th sounds so far away, but it's really just a matter of 7 weeks. So much time, so little to do. Stop, reverse that.
We have big plans and I do believe I will enlist your help.
Do we go with Flagstone or more traditional pavers (which we will be able to do ourselves)?

The Flagstone look

The Paver look
We are just so excited. All the remodeling should be complete by Monday! YAY! That means one step closer to making this house a home.
Here are some of the things we have been thinking about looking into:

Swedish wooden reinforced shelving from Williams Sonoma for our storage space off the kitchen...good news, we probably won't have to get the wine rack!

The Palladion Collection from Restoration Hardware...great media center, yes?

The Hudson Collection from Potterybarn...I know, they look almost the same...but I just can't decide...which would you choose? (They are the same price.)
Decisions, decisions....too bad we can't really buy any of this until we save up a little first.
But remember, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass...funny how that applies even to things like saving up to make a fun purchase!
Gotta run, but keep me posted on all your opinions...I know a few people who are very good at that ;) Love you all!
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