Thursday, September 29, 2011

A bold face lie...

I'd say I've been busy, or hurt, or without internet connectivity. I'd say I broke all 10 fingers, or that my computer was "in the shop". I'd say just about anything to avoid the truth: I've been LAZY!!

Doing everything I can think of to avoid a blog post. I don't know why really. Just 'cause. That would drive me crazy in school, "just 'cause" would come the answer to every question asked. And lo and behold, here I type the same irritating non-sentence. Just 'cause.

I've been doing some 'jarring'. That would be what I call vacuum sealing jars. Crackers, candies, oreos; they've all found a new home inside a pretty 1 quart mason jar. But it's not canning, that is much more labor intensive. This is 'jarring'. I use my FoodSaver and it's attachment to get the pesky air out; and crackers, oreos, candies will last a year (technically, anyway, they won't ever physically make it over 3 months in our house).

Like this:

And cooking and a little card making made their way into the last 6 months of my life too, thank heavens!

Here's what I made last night:

For recipe, click here

I'll get some pics of cards soon as well.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

A blog post?!?! I'm in shock. And I'm super jealous of your "jarring" capabilities! I think its the best idea ever.