Surprised? Twice in one month. I mean thrice, if you count the card post. But Lindy says I can't count it as a real post, so twice.
I made bread! Okay, so I cheated and went to see the bread lady ( ), and Mom is mortified this is the first time I've made bread in my life since we grew up on her homemade cinnamon buns and all kinds of homemade bread. But I made my first ever loaf of bread. And it's wholewheat buttermilk none the less.
And our camera is broken, so I can't show you a picture of my perfect little loaf, but I did it!
Now, I have to do it all on my own, no biga and soaker pre-mades to fall back on. And I will.....first I need to find 15% protein wholewheat flour. Good luck, right? I'll probably just order some from the bread lady. She's pretty much awesome.
I kneaded like crazy, even other people in the class who make bread all the time said it was busy work; but I wanted my gluten strands long and perfect and my dough smooth as a baby's bottom. AND I wanted it to pass the window pane test, which it did not, but kneading for over 2 hours just isn't normal.
And my little loaf of bread looks SOOO good. Almost looks like it can't possibly be wheat bread. I am so excited.
Next, I'm trying out Alicia's directions to see if I can make the Hansen Famous Loaves.
I made on to the canning and jam making!
I want to zap you to my house. My kitchen is small -I mean... COZY. And we could make some sweet jam and Grandma could come over!! And hopefully she won't be able to see the spot where Trenton spilled ketchup two nights ago. Landladies frown upon those kinds of things.
Two enthusiastic thumbs way way up! I mean, if I give you that, you should feel obligated to share your fresh-baked bread, right?
And Alicia ---try soy sauce. Mrs. Meers swears by it!
Mine didn't turn was hard on the outside and doughy on the inside :(
Wow! TWO posts! Holy freaking crap.
Also, I'm impressed with your bread making skills. Who says kneading for 2 hours isn't normal? Normal is a constructed idea that is used by society to keep members from following their dreams. Also, I might be in too many philosphy classes. Or I just watch Bones too much--Bones is full of the philosophical anthropolgy. Trust me..I just wrote a paper on Bones. Did I ever thank you for introducing me to that show?? If not..."Thank you for introducing me to Bones. My life is a fuller and more complete place for it. Also, my Thursdays are a lot more fun now."
There ya go :)
Also, what is the window payne test?
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