Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I absolutely stink at this blogging thing. I am so sorry if you have been waiting to hear from us! Wait, who am I kidding? No one reads these things for fun, it's for the sake of stalking other couples, people and their children. That's the only reason I read them. Well that and for some reason, people think we are "newlyweds" and want our alone time. SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, we want to hang out! AND WE ARE NOT PDA people and we are totally over that whole honeymoon stage. NO kissing or uncomfortable snuggling in public. SO past that. Like 5 years ago over and done with. Okay, so you want the juicy details?

We are looking at houses. Our lease on our apartment is up in August and it is so dang hard to find houses in the 2nd ward. We are getting discouraged. If you see a good deal, let us know! I guess we haven't looked hard enough. All the houses we did like are sold now and I had the excitement of actually quoting 3 of the houses we were looking at and writing their insurance for their home. It must freak people out when I say "No, no details, I know that home inside and out and I am so happy for you, sniff, sniff. Oh, don't worry, I'm not crying....it's allergies."

So, Jerry inspired me to start writing a book. Him and a letter from one of our insureds that will definitely make it to the book. It's title is "Insurance will acCOST you...". Not to brag or anything, but it's hilarious. At least to me and the few family members who will put up with me reading the stories to them. :) Thanks Mom and Lindy Lee (or the artist formerly known as LinLee). Want a excerpt? Here we go:
Chapter nine: You are just like them tax 'people'...
You get your favorite customers. You can’t help but like them and want to choke them all at the same time. Yes, THOSE favorite customers. The ones you can’t help but laugh once you hang up with them, although while you were on the phone with them you wish you had them in a choke hold, cutting off their air supply for a brief moment of pure silence from them. No whining, complaining or general retardation....

Now that you are hooked, you'll just have to buy my book once it is published...and if that never happens maybe I will email the book to you! LOL.

Not much else is new. We organized Juan's closet....so much better. We also organized my closet and donated so much to Goodwill we might just not owe the government anything next year :). Horray for that!

Juan is now working as both the warehouse do everything and also learning the ropes as a purchaser? At least I think that's what they call it. He has to get dressed up in business casual and that's quite a change from Dickies and a t-shirt. I kinda like it. Much funner to hug someone when they come home and they are not covered in "black dust" as the warehouse crew calls it. I see it as a lawsuit waiting to happen if a lawyer ever gets wind of it. "Call 800.DAMAGED for your check today." "Call 800.CANCR4U to see if you qualify to join the class action suit." "800.NOLUNGS" "800.ATTHEND" "800.IDIENOW". Anyway, you get the drift. Good thing we're not crazy like that!

That's all for today. I will try to do better for all you stalkers out there :).


Hillary said...

Yes I'm a stalker! Thanks for letting me know you updated, I went right to it ;) looking forward to February fun weekend! (wow...kinda sounded Mormony)

blog_meg said...

I am a stalkeratzie! I just found out today from Ruth about Juan's promotion! So dang overdue! And there is a house for sale on my street!

Patrick & Amber said...

There is a house for sale on my street as well!